Daoism emphasizes strongly the union of man and nature.
互联网Taoism believes that man and nature is an organic whole mutual inductance isomorphism.
互联网Leonardo da Vinci ( 1452 - 1519 ) was known especially for his interest in man and nature.
列奥纳多·达· 芬 奇闻名于世很大程度上是他对人类和自然的兴趣.
互联网Understanding the philosophy of " man and nature " in Hemingway's " The Old Man and the Sea "
解读 《 老人与海 》 中海明威的 “ 人与自然 ” 观念.
互联网On the fact of material transformation of man and nature, Marx's ecological view is reflected.
在人与自然的物质变换方面, 马克思向我们呈现出一幅生态自然观图景.
互联网And sustainable and harmony between man and nature has become the common goal of all parties.
互联网By today's understanding , the spirIt'should refer to the channel of communication between man and nature.
今天看来, 应当是指人与自然的信息通道.
互联网The book is an account of the author's reflection on the relationship between man and nature.
互联网Chinese medicine for man and nature live in harmony super - giant system theory analysis.
互联网It is necessary to establish an eco - value notion to realize harmony between man and nature.
互联网The harmony between man and nature is essential to circular economy.
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